Arduino Project - Light-up Ball

So we got given an Arduino project of our choosing and in the original plan we decided to put an RGB LED inside of a tennis ball and record it in a long exposure camera so that the light from the LED stays as we move the ball around.

So during the development process, we did quite well, we developed the code for the project quite early as all it included was mapping the Accelerometer to the Arduino and using a serial monitor to control which LEDs light up at which coordinate. The wiring took some time as we were all less comfortable with the wiring part of the project. Below you can see our wiring diagram for the project.

Then we encountered a hiccup with our project, we had our soldered wires and resistors, but it did not fit inside the tennis ball so we had to alter our project and we decided to put everything inside a clear see through ball. which was bigger and it opened up around the middle so we didn't have to squeeze everything through a hole like in the tennis ball, but then we had to squeeze everything inside anyway, as the battery to support it was so big that it all barely fit inside.

For our finished project you can go on YouTube and view it on
