CAVE and HMD are the two options that are out there for VR, while CAVE applies an approach that involves multiple people interacting with it at once, the Head Mounted Device uses it only for one person which is a limitation, however it gives that one person a more immersive feel than the CAVE would ever be able to provide.

CAVE also has some limitations which include the fact that while using the CAVE, the person gets immersed in it but they do realise that their mind is being manipulated into seeing what they believe is real. In other words they do realise they are in the CAVE. While using the HMD, you float away and become one with the simulation.

Another two major points between them however that makes most people choose the HMD over the CAVE is the fact that the HMD is much smaller and second it is a lot cheaper compared to the CAVE,  despite this however I think that the CAVE has better uses of it than the HMD, while the HMD is restricted to a more casual use, the CAVE can have some more business applications.

I've been thinking about some applications of the CAVE a little more and another area it could go down is the scientific route. Say we wanted to simulate what it would be like to live on another planet, or perhaps be inside the human body and see what goes on there, with the CAVE we can do that and much more. With the helps of experts in different areas we could simulate what we know already happens in certain scenarios and simulate what could happen in others.
